Thanks to Mrs. Megawati and all the guests!
I have two thoughts today,
The first one is, I got to know Mr. Feng Zhengjie since his education at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, He had produced a number of works to anatomise tcolourshe emerging China's consumer society at that time. More than 10 years till his graduation, he has created a consumer society spectrum. This spectrum presented by festive colours red and green in traditional Chinese culture; he also drew upon the pictures of Shanghai’s calendar in 1930s. Gradually he have integrated the art into contemporary society, and created such colourful women portraits. Artists will not solve the problem, but he questions the consumer society and converts his feelings into works, let’s observe the world through his paintings.
The second one is, it’s a great honor to have this solo exhibition by China's contemporary artist at the renowned Singapore Art Museum. I feel honoured today being invited to the opening ceremony as a supporting critic of Mr. Feng Zhengjie, Therefore, we would like to thank the director of Singapore Art Museum Mr. Kwok Kian Chow for curating the exhibition, and the sponsor of the exhibition Mr. Budiardjo Tek, thanks all of them for supporting China’s contemporary art. At the same time, I also think of one thing we have agreed last winter: to establish an Art Center in Songzhuang which is China's largest free artists gathering ground. The investment by Mr. Budiardjo Tek, director Kwok Kian Chow will lead his team to manage. The Art Centre will become an exhibition space for the artists from Southeast Asia in Beijing, and a platform to exchange with Chinese artists. How to find our cultural identity in the process of globalization, that is what we adhere to the platform also it’s our cultural principle. Hope this exchanging platform can be a venue for accomplishing the mission. We also expect this venue to bring up and discover many young artists.
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